July 15/2019
Clean water requires clean filters. Using dirty, clogged hot tub filters in your water make it difficult to maintain clean water and can put unnecessary strain on your hot tub pump and your chemical bills.
When to Check Your Hot Tub Filters
Hot tub and spa filters should be checked weekly. Your filter may look clean but they can often be coated in oils, soaps and lotions that clog and reduce water flow in your spa. This is especially true if you use your spa frequently. If there is not much visible debris, then usually, a quick rinse with a garden hose will be sufficient.
Pro Tip: Let the filter completely dry prior to re-inserting in your hot tub. This will help kill the remaining microbes.
When to Deep Clean Your Hot Tub Filter
A quick weekly rinse is a good practice, but depending on how much you use your hot tub a deep clean of your filter should be done monthly. If you only use your hot tub a few time each week then every two months should be ok.
Pro Tip: Buy a second filter and swap it out, then clean the used filter and save it for next time.

To deep clean the filter we recommend using a professional hot tub filter cleaner. Using a professional cleaning solution instead of mixing your own, removes a lot of unnecessary work and uncertainty and guarantees you are only using products that are friendly to your filter cartridge. We recommend using [IPG Spa Filter Cleaner OR Your Stores Specific Product].
To deep clean:
Turn off your hot tub
Remove the filter
Rinse loose debris with a hose
Soak and clean in hot tub filter cleaner as directly
Allow filter to completely dry
Replace and turn on your spa.
When to replace your hot tub filter
Weekly rinses and regular deep cleans will help preserve your hot tub filter, while also maintaining the quality of your hot tub water. However, you will still have to replace your filter with a new one from time to time. We recommend annually, buying 2 new filters for the best water possible. After all, you’re worth it.
May 15/2020
When most of us look at a soothing bubbling hot tub we think of relaxation or hydrotherapy. What we may not often consider is the kidneys of the system so to speak. What is it that keeps the water clear and sparkling instead of looking like murky bath water? After all, we all want clean water in our spas. You don't want to be like one customer who had owned their hot tub for a year and asked us, "What's a filter?"

While sanitation and circulation are two important keys to clean water, it's the filter that does a large portion of the work. The filter removes contaminants and improves the clarity of the water. In fact, even small particulate that we may not see with our bare eye can be caught by the filter since it catches particles as small as 10 microns (a human hair is about 50 microns in thickness). Everything that goes into the spa water will eventually pass through the filter system whether it is oil and sweat from our body, deodorants, makeup, sun tan lotion, bacteria or plain old dirt.
As the filter does it's job of trapping and collecting these particles it becomes denser and in turn catches more and more. Eventually, however, the filter will become plugged if it isn't cleaned. Cleaning a filter involves two things.
Rinsing the filter on a weekly basis will remove much of the soil it collects. Simply remove the filter from the hot tub and use a garden hose to rinse it off. Spray thoroughly between the pleats to remove as much of the dirt as possible. Use caution if you decode to use a pressure washer as this can actually tear the filter media. If the filter is torn or develops a hole it will no longer be as efficient and will allow a measure of contaminants to pass through it and return to the spa water.
The second method of cleaning requires a chemical treatment. On a monthly basis the filter should be rinsed and then cleaned with a chemical solution. While there are many different brands of filter cleaners most require that they soak in the solution for several hours. This helps to removes oils and greases that have embedded themselves in the filter media and that won't simply come off with a rinse.
After the filter has been chemically cleaned it should dry completely as this will allow the media to shrink like a pair of jeans after they have been washed. When the media shrinks and tightens it will be more effective in catching small microns. Some people choose to have two sets of filters so that they can swap them for cleaning and avoid any down time on the hot tub.
Keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule. Heavy bather loads may require cleaning the filter more often, and very light usage my need less. But above all else, have a regular schedule for your hot tub maintenance. Regular maintenance will go a long way to prevent cloudy water, odors, or poor circulation. If you still have questions about your filter or your hot tub in general, please reach out to us with your questions. We're here to help!